Registry Description
1. Applicability
This Registry Description enters into force on the 25th of May 2018 and is valid until further notice, replacing any prior Privacy Policies. Vello can update this Registry Description at any time.
2. Owner of the registry
Vello (Vello Solutions Oy)
Lönnrotinkatu 5, Helsinki Finland
Company ID: FI2140030-2
3. Contact
Tuomas Nylund +358 20 1980 150
4. Name of the registry
5. Meaning of use
Customer data of Vello is used for customer relationship management between Vello and Customer. The data is also used for customer relationship management between the Customer and the end customer. Contact information is used for different kinds of communications of Vello service. Whenever a Customer is using any paid service of Vello, the Customer’s contact information is also used for billing, etc. This policy is also used whenever there is any kind of billing contracts between the Customer and the end customer. Vello and the Customer can also send marketing and notification messages to their own customers. The customer and the end-customer can unsubscribe from these actions.
6. Data of the Registry
The registry contains information about the Customer’s / end-customer’s first name, last name, phone number, email address, address (if necessary), gender (if necessary), keywords (categorie), notes and the history of bookings including any notes of bookings. The customer’s company name, offices, addresses of offices, and potential campaign code are also stored in the registry
7. Disclosure
Vello won't alienate any kind of data of customers to third parties unless Vello is enforced by law or authority. The customer commits to use end-customer data like their own. Customer is responsible for their disclosure practices.
8. Safety of the registry
All data saved in Vello is secured and can be accessed only with a username and password. Emails send by Vello are transferred with no security. Vello is located in servers of Amazon which is secured with passwords. Servers use firewalls, passwords, and technical operations to protect the data. Passwords are not stored uncrypted. Servers are located in locked rooms.
9. Data storage
Data saved in Vello is available until the Vello account is determined. Vello will save a copy of the Customer’s contact data after the Vello account is determined. Data of end customers will not be saved.
10. The right of audition
The customer has the right to audit the information about himself and, if necessary, request rectification of incorrect information. End-customers should always ask their data to be audit by the Customer. Customers can ask Vello to supply their own data for audit.