Hello! My name is Heta, living at Kuopio. I am studying further vocational qualification of massage at Savo's vocational college and working as an young entrepreneur. I am working in the rooms of Jynkän jalkaterapia (Jääskelänkatu 7 a 2). You can find two pcustomer parking slots from the yard and access to the yard is from Vitostie. I will implement all the massages by listening to the customer wishes. You can also ask for the times by messaging me straight to my phone number. You can also message me if you have anything to ask about the massage! I gladly welcome you to a massage!
Payment methods are card or cash.
Right now there are only available times for week 5 but new times will open in the beginning of week 6.
Address: Jääskelänkatu 7 a 2, 70780 Kuopio, Finland
Phone: +358409390077
Booking conditions:
Please, do not come to the massage if you are sick (flu, fever, cough, stomach flu, infections, fresh and untreated injuries), have an antibiotics, under the influence or hangover or if you suffer from haemofilia. If you have cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, epilepsy etc. please contatc your doctor first. Non-cancelled time will be charged for 100% fee. Cancellations always 14 hours before your appointment, otherwise 100% fee will be charged. You can inform cancellations and ask about conditions of health from the number +358409390077.